Tags ArchivesMarketing Strategy

Get Better Engagement, More Conversions With Targeted Emails image

Flat design web banner illustration for Targeting online audience with email marketing campaign. Illustration of a laptop computer with an envelope mail emoji over top of it with a target bulls-eye emoji.

You already know that email marketing is key to reaching your customers. But do you have the right targeting system in place to reach the people who are actually most likely to buy from you? Here are just a few targeting filters you should consider implementing to ensure you’re reaching your optimal audience: Location: Do you want to reach only people in your city or county? Or people within a day’s drive? Age: Is your ideal audience young and single, just starting a family or on the verge of retirement? Income: Do you only want to reach people over a certain income threshold? Lifestyle interests: Maybe your product or service is something that mainly appeals to, say, homeowners or hobby ...

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These Instagram Best Practices Will Help Your Business Shine image

Abstract illustration of two smart phones using a social media platform to create photo posts of a scenic background.

As any business owner today likely knows, social media is a powerful tool. Whether that means setting up a strong Google Business Profile or managing a Facebook page, business professionals need to have a pulse on what their online presence looks like. Unsurprisingly, few platforms garner as much attention as Instagram. For business owners, the photo- and video-based platform can serve as a major asset to help promote products and services or get the word out about new offerings. Here are a few tips to make the most of the platform: 1 | Craft strong captions with a consistent voice A picture may be worth a thousand words, but that doesn't mean you should ignore the caption. Instead, use the caption space ...

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You Shouldn’t Let AI Design Your Ads. Here’s Why. image

A series of four ads on a dark background, designed by TodayMedia Custom.

With the much-discussed advent of generative AI — artificial intelligence that can produce various kinds of content based on prompts from a user — it’s become easier than ever to plug your information into an algorithm and let it do the work for you. But should you? It’s true that AI is constantly learning and getting smarter. But the truth of the matter is that, for now, AI tools still struggle with creating certain kinds of imagery — for example of human hands and feet. Then there’s the fact that AI learns by scraping existing information off the internet. What this means in practice is that any kind of design AI creates for you is going to be based on something ...

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Grow Your Business With Full-Funnel Digital Marketing image

Cartoon Illustration of people using a Funnel of Digital Marketing to find customers and profit by putting profile icons into a funnel shape to produce coins.

I’m sure you’ve heard at least one or two people talk about digital marketing, and maybe you’ve heard mention of a decision-making sales funnel too. But how are the two related and what do they mean for your business? The sales funnel is a way of visualizing a potential customer’s decision process. At the top of the funnel, you have customers researching a vague problem and discovering potential solutions. In the middle of the funnel are customers who have defined their problem and the sort of solution they need. At the bottom are customers who are ready to make an informed purchasing decision. Ideally, you want customers to discover your brand as a potential solution for their problem right at the ...

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Why You Should Set Up a Google Business Profile image

Photograph of a person using a search engine on a laptop.

A Google Business Profile is a powerful way to help your business on search — and it’s easier to manage than you think. You know that moment when you’re searching for something on Google and you see a business profile card pop up? That’s a Google Business Profile page in action. A built-in feature on the search engine, these free profiles offer businesses the chance to develop a strong first impression online. And, since more than 83% of the global population uses Google as its primary search engine, according to Statista, chances are high that a Google Business Profile will get more than a few eyeballs on it. So how can you set up your Google Business Profile? 1 | Google Your ...

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What Is SEO? 3 Steps to Optimize Your Content image

Photo and illustration showing a person using a laptop keyboard with floating symbols of SEO and marketing icons hovering overtop of it.

You’ve heard the term “SEO” tossed around, but chances are you’re not 100% sure what it means. It stands for search engine optimization, and it’s a critical technique to ensure you’re taking steps to help your content perform as well as it possibly can online. Here are a few best practices to get you started on optimizing your content for websites, social media or membership directories. 1 | Consider length and structure. Sure, you want the quality of what you’re putting onto the internet to be top-notch. What’s just as important, however, is making sure it’s optimally structured. Start by making sure your content is the right length for the platform on which it will be hosted. If it’s a social ...

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How to Leverage AI for Your Business image

Ai technology

Curious about AI, otherwise known as artificial intelligence? There are many ways this oft-discussed technology can benefit businesses of all sizes… if you know how to leverage the tools properly. Here are a handful of AI platforms that might be useful. ChatGPT Arguably the most discussed of all AI platforms, ChatGPT is an OpenAI chatbot that can do many things for businesses. Sales professionals can use it to help draft pitch letters, while marketers can use it to brainstorm copy for everything from email blasts to posters to social media posts. For writers and editors, ChatGPT can serve as a proofreading tool to help catch spelling errors and make text more concise. To use it, simply create an account, enter a ...

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Winning New Customers Online: 5 Strategies That Work image

Illustration of an online marketing team working and brainstorming

Having a well-designed website and an active social media presence is a great start. But if you really want to keep customers interested, you’ll need to get creative — and interactive. Here are some tips to get you started. 1 | Get Your Name Out on TikTok TikTok is having a major moment as the place to be for brands, but getting it right and getting noticed can be a challenge. Luckily, TikTok itself has put together a guide to success, with tips on how to come across as authentic and creative. 2 | Launch a Customer Loyalty Program One of the simplest ways to reward loyal customers is with a points program. Let customers earn points for actions like following you on social, ...

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Internal Newsletters Done Right: 5 Easy Tips image

two office workers viewing content on a laptop

Internal newsletters are a great way to keep employees engaged and let them know what’s going on with the company or their co-workers. But how do you craft a compelling newsletter that employees will actually want to read? Here are a few easy tips. 1 | Ask Your Employees The best source of information about content is always the audience for that content. So if you’re wondering what employees would like to see in a newsletter from their company — ask them. Send out an email encouraging feedback, launch a survey with perks for completion (e.g. a drawing for a gift card) or even ask people to volunteer for a brainstorming session that represents different departments and diverse viewpoints. 2 | Choose a ...

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5 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Business in 2023 image

Illustration of office worker holding 2023 business goals note paper

If you’re anything like us, your resolution to hit the gym three times a week is going to fizzle out by mid-February. But when it comes to your business, there are a few resolutions you should work hard to keep. 1 | Take a fresh look at your brand. What are the values and experiences that define your brand, and are they still relevant to the actual values and experiences you’re hoping to embody? Just as importantly, are they still relevant to what consumers want from a company in your space? If your most recent brand update happened a few years ago — or in reaction to a market trend that might no longer be current — the new year is ...

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