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2 Guides Are Better Than 1: The Advantages of More Frequent Publishing image

Two sets of a stack of magazine covers. Garrett County Visitors guide on the left, Visit Baltimore magazine on the right.

It’s common practice for visitor bureaus and chambers of commerce to print and distribute an annual guide. But there are good arguments for publishing more often! Take a look at just a few of them. Avoid Outdated Content When a publication has a shelf life of a year, content can grow stale — especially if it’s about events, exhibitions or member anniversaries that have already passed. Publishing twice a year instead of once reduces the likelihood that customers or prospects will pick up a book with obviously outdated information. Go With the Seasons This is especially crucial for visitor guides. The sorts of activities visitors may want to pursue are significantly different in the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons (think garden shows in the ...

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Same Places, Different Angle: How to Keep Your Travel Content Fresh image

Charming young people making video blog at the city street

Every visitor and convention bureau faces the same struggle year after year: how do you promote the same sights, restaurants, shops and venues repeatedly, while still making your content seem fresh? Luckily, we can help. Here is a list of expert tips on how to keep your travel content compelling from one year to the next. 1 | Add a multimedia component Even if you publish a print guide (which you should), you can add interest to the guide by linking to videos via QR codes throughout the book. The videos could be behind-the-scenes footage of photo shoots you did for the guide, or a quick, informal tour of a notable local place by one of your staff members. 2 | Tell a ...

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How a Magazine Can Help You Reach Prospects image

The covers and opened examples of two magazines. One titled Innovation Delaware the other titled WilMU.

Whether you’re a membership association, a nonprofit or an employer in the education or healthcare space, you have important messages to communicate — and stakeholders who need to hear that message. What better way to keep potential members, donors or alumni engaged with your mission and vision than with a magazine that highlights your needs and accomplishments? For one, the consistent publication schedule of a magazine means your stakeholders are reminded of both your existence and your value on a regular basis, whether it’s monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. Also remember that a beautiful magazine can be a keepsake, lending your message the kind of staying power that’s difficult to achieve in the digital age. 1 | Consider Print vs. Digital Your magazine could be ...

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5 Ways to Highlight Members in Your Directory image

Five Magazine covers spread out in a row.

Chambers of Commerce, visitor bureaus and other membership-based organizations need member dues to thrive. To recruit more members and keep the ones you already have, you need to offer perks. One great way to highlight existing members and win new ones is your annual print directory. Here are a few strategies to consider: 1 | Feature a prominent member on the cover. If one of your members is a major local employer or a significant supporter of your organization (e.g. via event sponsorships), you may want to consider giving them prime placement on the cover of your directory. The cover photo provides great exposure to the member, especially when paired with an article about the member inside the publication. It also elevates ...

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What Is SEO? 3 Steps to Optimize Your Content image

Photo and illustration showing a person using a laptop keyboard with floating symbols of SEO and marketing icons hovering overtop of it.

You’ve heard the term “SEO” tossed around, but chances are you’re not 100% sure what it means. It stands for search engine optimization, and it’s a critical technique to ensure you’re taking steps to help your content perform as well as it possibly can online. Here are a few best practices to get you started on optimizing your content for websites, social media or membership directories. 1 | Consider length and structure. Sure, you want the quality of what you’re putting onto the internet to be top-notch. What’s just as important, however, is making sure it’s optimally structured. Start by making sure your content is the right length for the platform on which it will be hosted. If it’s a social ...

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How to Leverage AI for Your Business image

Ai technology

Curious about AI, otherwise known as artificial intelligence? There are many ways this oft-discussed technology can benefit businesses of all sizes… if you know how to leverage the tools properly. Here are a handful of AI platforms that might be useful. ChatGPT Arguably the most discussed of all AI platforms, ChatGPT is an OpenAI chatbot that can do many things for businesses. Sales professionals can use it to help draft pitch letters, while marketers can use it to brainstorm copy for everything from email blasts to posters to social media posts. For writers and editors, ChatGPT can serve as a proofreading tool to help catch spelling errors and make text more concise. To use it, simply create an account, enter a ...

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5 Things We Learned from Our Custom Publishing Projects image

A collection of magazine covers and the Today Media

Here at TMCC, we put out a lot of publications — magazines, anniversary books, newsletters, membership directories and so much more. With each project, we learn a lot of interesting facts about places and people, so we thought we would share some with you! 1 | A company in Delaware is working on a super-protein that could help feed the world. In fact, companies in Delaware are working on hundreds of innovative, world-changing ideas, such as using hydrogen as a clean power source and making the IT industry more equitable. Where we learned it: Innovation Delaware 2022, an annual supplement to the Delaware Business Times. Read more here! 2 | Baltimore gave birth to both the Star-Spangled Banner and baseball legend Babe Ruth. The ...

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Yes, Print Products Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy. Here’s Why. image

If we had a nickel for every time someone has declared print dead, only to eat their words later… well, we’d have quite a few nickels. The point is this: print is more valuable and resilient than a lot of people give it credit for. Here are just a few of the reasons why. Print makes people happy. No, seriously. You’ve probably subscribed to at least one magazine over the course of your life. Do you remember that little burst of happiness when you check your mailbox and find the most recent issue in there? You just don’t get that from clicking on a digital edition. (You also don’t get to experience that nice new-ink-and-paper smell. What do you mean, you’ve never ...

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Branded Content, Thought Leadership, Advertorial — How They’re Different and Why It Matters image

Thought Leadership, Native Advertising, Advertorial, Sponsored Posts, Content Marketing, Branded Content

It’s never been easier to get in touch with your audience. Gone are the days when you were limited to print ads or even email marketing blasts. Today, savvy brands choose to reach out to customers and prospects via content they’ve created themselves (or paid someone to create for them). But it’s also never been more confusing to choose the right strategy for your brand. There are so many different kinds of content, and each of them serves a different purpose. Here is a short introduction to some of the most common terms, what they mean, and how they help your brand in different ways. Thought Leadership As a general rule, this kind of content comes from the top of your organization ...

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