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Get Better Engagement, More Conversions With Targeted Emails image

Flat design web banner illustration for Targeting online audience with email marketing campaign. Illustration of a laptop computer with an envelope mail emoji over top of it with a target bulls-eye emoji.

You already know that email marketing is key to reaching your customers. But do you have the right targeting system in place to reach the people who are actually most likely to buy from you? Here are just a few targeting filters you should consider implementing to ensure you’re reaching your optimal audience: Location: Do you want to reach only people in your city or county? Or people within a day’s drive? Age: Is your ideal audience young and single, just starting a family or on the verge of retirement? Income: Do you only want to reach people over a certain income threshold? Lifestyle interests: Maybe your product or service is something that mainly appeals to, say, homeowners or hobby ...

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You Shouldn’t Let AI Design Your Ads. Here’s Why. image

A series of four ads on a dark background, designed by TodayMedia Custom.

With the much-discussed advent of generative AI — artificial intelligence that can produce various kinds of content based on prompts from a user — it’s become easier than ever to plug your information into an algorithm and let it do the work for you. But should you? It’s true that AI is constantly learning and getting smarter. But the truth of the matter is that, for now, AI tools still struggle with creating certain kinds of imagery — for example of human hands and feet. Then there’s the fact that AI learns by scraping existing information off the internet. What this means in practice is that any kind of design AI creates for you is going to be based on something ...

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Branded Content, Thought Leadership, Advertorial — How They’re Different and Why It Matters image

Thought Leadership, Native Advertising, Advertorial, Sponsored Posts, Content Marketing, Branded Content

It’s never been easier to get in touch with your audience. Gone are the days when you were limited to print ads or even email marketing blasts. Today, savvy brands choose to reach out to customers and prospects via content they’ve created themselves (or paid someone to create for them). But it’s also never been more confusing to choose the right strategy for your brand. There are so many different kinds of content, and each of them serves a different purpose. Here is a short introduction to some of the most common terms, what they mean, and how they help your brand in different ways. Thought Leadership As a general rule, this kind of content comes from the top of your organization ...

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5 Reasons Why Journalists Make the Best Content Marketers image

Your brand is your most valuable asset. So when you trust somebody to tell your brand story for you, you want to make sure it’s the right kind of person. Someone who can write copy that’s engaging and easy to process and, most importantly, get to the heart of what your brand is about. In other words, a journalist. Why a journalist, you say? Seems like a marketer or ad copywriter would be a better choice. And sure, we get it. Marketers and salespeople know how to craft an appealing message and broadcast it. But so do journalists, and they have a few other skills in their repertoire too. Here are five reasons why journalists make the best content marketers: 1 | They can distill ...

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